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Messages - Hannah High

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JMBarrie / Re: Barrie and Churchill
« on: March 15, 2014, 01:13:50 AM »
Oh, to be a fly on the wall when those two were in conversation!
Davies Family / Re: Peter and Alice play
« on: November 19, 2013, 02:57:10 AM »
Well, I certainly didn't get to see it, alas (love those actors!)…but found the play available via amazon, and will give it a read. If anyone else has seen/read it, love to listen to your thoughts. Will share mine.

General topic / The Lost Boys script
« on: November 16, 2013, 07:55:11 PM »
Is The Lost Boys miniseries script still somewhere on the website? I knew where it was on the old version, but can't seem to find is this time around. Is it still available? And apologies if this has been mentioned before. Haven't been here in a real long while!
JMBarrie / Re: Night Terrors
« on: November 16, 2013, 02:59:53 AM »
This part of the story has always fascinated me too. And I agree with what you said, "My own belief is that they were an aspect of his own spirit, possibly a negative aspect, to some extent activated by his mothers death and centred upon his subconscious fear of being overwhelmed." … I don't have a copy of The Lost Boys script at the moment, but I was always so moved in that last car ride in episode 2 with Sylvia's voice over about her sons, and coming to Michael she didn't want him to be pushed to work so hard. I admired that in her, it's so easy to belittle a person either way (overwhelming or with low expectations), but she seemed sensitive and respecting to how he was made up (in nature and life experience).
Peter Pan / Favorite Illustrastions
« on: November 15, 2013, 05:45:55 PM »
What are your favorite Peter Pan illustrations? Who is your favorite artist that's taken on the story?

I am reading "Peter and Wendy" to my kindergarten class, a chapter a day. They are loving it. I'm always looking for different illustrators, but so often find the drawings ghastly. I'm using a unique edition now by Raquel Jaramillo. She uses photos of children (and adults for the pirates and parents). They are quite lovely, a bit too tame and clean for the boy who hated mothers. But I especially appreciate that the illustrations are actually of children (so often I find Peter drawn as an adolescent). My kids like it best out of the copies we have. Her pictures are deep in color and very large. The pages are also so smooth for them to turn.

I personally like the ones by Francis Donkin Bedford. Especially his poetic capture of the characters' emotions. How about you all? I'd be curious to look up some.
Davies Family / Peter and Alice play
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:43:37 AM »
Has anyone seen this play? A meeting between Peter LD and Alice H, remembering…
Peter Pan / How does he grow at all?
« on: November 11, 2013, 02:31:21 PM »
Haven't been on this forum in ages. It's been fun catching up on the posts. Anyway, Peter Pan/Barrie, who has had a huge influence throughout my childhood/teens, is always creeping back into my adulthood with so many of my students wondering what happens after the night lights are lit, and who left 'mini-graves' with a single initial all about the cemetery. So the stories and adventures go on. But a question has kept popping up. Not by the kids, but eavesdropping grownups during story time:

If he runs away the day he's born, then how is he a boy when he meets Wendy?

My answer is that he run away to the Gardens for awhile and anyone can age there. Flying off to Neverland came later before he lost any of his first teeth and when he was "just Wendy's size" and thus stayed that age.

But I've actually heard other answers, and am curious in what you all have to say, probably better than my explanation.
Peter Pan / Re: What do you think Peter looks like?
« on: May 10, 2011, 01:41:18 PM »
I never saw a screen/stage version look like what I thought was Peter. As for Barrie's image of him, I wondered what his older brother, David looked liked. My mental version sometimes leaned for a young Barnaby Holm (who played George in The Lost Boys) and for a young Ned Birkin (Andrew's son, who played Tom in The Cement Garden). Both boys have a glint of the devil.
General topic / Re: Hi!
« on: December 15, 2010, 08:13:40 AM »

Sorry, I never noticed this topic before and with all these "hellos" I just couldn't resist. But seriously, welcome, people!
General topic / Re: something new to say.....?
« on: July 03, 2010, 03:29:47 PM »
That simple and provoking question that smiles asked really moved me for some reason. I dunno anything much, and certainly can't respond or express for Andrew in the past or what he goes through in the now, so i'm just commenting on and listening out like everyone else here.

But from just recalling all i've heard over the last years regarding Barrie, i think it may have been even more than that the story grew deeper and continued. Yea, Wendy, he came understand not just the death, but whole story in new ways. Even in Andrew's awesome thoughts and comments on this website, there's an understanding for Barrie and everything else in the universe that's always in the state becoming. I still love the biography as it is in documented form and dramization of the film, but i feel Andrew's heart in his words now so full of maltitudes complimenting and breaking away all these pasts and futures. But still, the reality of what connected/seperated Andrew and Barrie is nothing that is dully repeated to the point of becoming sentimental or memorilized with a posh gravestone or whatever Barrie and so many dead flyers had to get their memories made into. Despite how the world of ceremonies and blah can do that to these wonders, AB in his curious and open and noble savage heart dosen't get lost to that and live in boredom. This death and anxious rebith is not only a story or memory that happened, but is happening within and without him and everyone...

"I spent so much time trying to emphasize Barrie's grief at the death of Michael, but when it finally came to me, it was nothing like I imagined at all...only the initial howl of anguish was the same to repeated rhythmically of the succeeding months, but interwoven with a sense of…well there really isn’t a word to describe, but a sense of privilege comes close. Barrie spent 2 days and nights next to Michael’s coffin, but that wasn’t my way at all. Many people helped me through my grief, but it was Anno’s himself who salvaged me with that parting thought of his: “To be AND not to be.” Superpostional states as they’re called in quantum physics - each defining the other, yet each incomplete without the other. After only moments of hearing his death, I knew that Anno only dead it the physical sense - though God knows that’s the one that matters most! I made a commitment to Anno there and then that his poems would not go the way of Michael’s, all of but two which mysteriously disappeared over time. I set to work almost transcribing Anno’s poems - over 700 of the them, none of us had any idea he had written so many. But there came the inevitable day when I couldn’t get it together at all. For all my philosophies, I just broke down sobbing. So I climbed back up to my loft, and Ned was there which didn’t all together surprise me cause he often came up to my loft when he couldn’t get to sleep. 'Ned, what are you doing here?' and he turned over and it was Anno. And I said, 'Anno!' and he said, 'Shh. You’re taking this much too seriously.' And I woke up at that moment, never remembering going to be in the first place, and I knew he was right. And that was my big step forward.....

....On a scrap of paper Anno had scribbled: Who Said the Race is Over? And I thought that was brilliant. I called his book of poems just that.”

And we know from those profits and all these hearts in and out of this Lost Boy story, set up the growing Anno’s Africa with kids who know the blood and real heartbreak and real joy of Neverland so well. As Andrew said, “to help street kids discover the joy of expressing themselves creatively as Anno was able to do before so many of them join him sooner rather than later in the ongoing race among the stars.”

not just the second star to the right, but God knows where else! And thus it shall go on...
Peter Pan / Peter Pan RIP
« on: June 10, 2010, 01:23:11 AM »

Found an article on Kula Shaker that comes with a free download of their new song "Peter Pan RIP" (inspired by Andrew's way on the story!). Lyrics simple with some fresh huanting blood. And the music is enchanting.

I heard Crispian Mills before via Anno's Africa videos, but was more swept away in those veiwings with the people all coming together and forgot about the music, the music, the music that made it all happen. So for me, this is kind of new along with exciting and waking to hear.

Give a listen. Enjoy.
JMBarrie / Re: I think the forum has been hacked...
« on: June 01, 2010, 01:27:41 PM »
yea, just some random spammers in the General Disccusion, nothing like when the site had a landslide of attacks from Gieco and the Russian porn industry some time back!
JMBarrie / Re: I think the forum has been hacked...
« on: May 29, 2010, 04:03:37 PM »
No, i think that post above Andrew is just a random post (no others from that user, notice). Like the one that on the board the other day about which colour headphones he should used? Just a random post.
Boy Castaways / Re: Is there any possible way to see it?
« on: May 24, 2010, 12:28:13 AM »
it's also on youtube:

General topic / Re: Where the Wild Things Are
« on: March 21, 2010, 07:49:07 PM »


This film was among the freshest I've seen. It's certainly one of those that are both for kids and adults. The dialogue is simple and stumbling over itself. Sometimes characters really just don't know what to say, and that's how it really is. Don't often see too many films in America where kids act (and SOUND) like when he's trying to convince the beasts not to eat him and he imagines superpowers that he makes up on the spot, always rambling/adding to them so he can't be defeated in anyway. But conversation is also deep with things that will have adults nodding their heads or thinking inward. The sadness of the wild things makes you laugh, really laugh, but also pulls at you in strange ways. Carol's longing for KW (and her need to go away), Alexander feeling he is constantly ignored, Douglass' support for others above himself, Judith's down emtions, Ira's gentle simplicity, etc. It's like the wild things are certainly all adults and they have the ability to express like adults, but they express more with the bluntness and passion of kids. Everyone's honest and for once, clear too the point of being selfish.

Actors are great! Max is so realistic on the struggle it is to be a child. In having your feelings hurt with almost no one noticing, in anger, in love, in imagination, in growing, in thoughts of what life means. Also, great in showing the struggle of parents. The mother's love for her son is so beautiful, especially in her battle to deal with his tantrums and her obvious tiredness of being a single parent without any time to breathe.
Like ET, wonderful in its subtleness to letting go and being a family.

The ending brilliant with the mother drifting off as she gazes in tiredness and relief and love at Max. Without words, without all problems being solved, just letting go, reuniting, gesture and expressions from the eyes, and that good thing called getting your dinner at home. Beautiful.

Camera is great, often hand held (you feel like a kid). Where the awesome, not to bright and kitsch like other wonderlands. More like a desert or rocky woods. Perfect place for a kid to run away too. Soundtrack wonderful too. The songs I could imagine coming from a kid if they had the ability to compose and write, but also the scores are wonderful (and I wish they put those on the CD soundtrack, but alas).

Apologies, I've only seen this once and it was a few weeks ago, and I must watch it again, this time with a kid. Some review remarked that would hopelessly confuse a child viewer. I disagree! While kids and adults would see different levels, like the REAL Alice and Peter Pan, its a story for children and for those who once were children. Not one for pushing morals or lessons, but shows the sudden and moving passions of growing up and the importance of imagination.

I'll write more clearly and with better thoughts later. For now, must away!
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