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Messages - Clueless in Seattle

Pages: [1]
General topic / Re: Filming Locations of the Lost Boys
« on: May 29, 2018, 08:07:29 PM »
Having never been to Scotland, my only impression of the landscape came from depictions in films and novels of the barren Scottish heath .  So just now I did some Googling and got myself a lesson in botanical geography:

Temperate coniferous forests are typically found in coastal areas with mild winters and heavy rainfall or inland mountainous areas with mild climates. Examples of where these forests are found are Pacific Northwestern United States and Canada, southwestern South America, Southern Japan, New Zealand and small parts of northwestern Europe (Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Norway).

Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless"
General topic / Re: Filming Locations of the Lost Boys
« on: May 27, 2018, 07:49:08 PM »
The landscapes in the Black Lake scenes are filled with what appear to be evergreen trees, like the fir trees characteristic of British Columbia and New Zealand.  I've looked at online photos of Longleat and all I can see are deciduous trees. 

Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless"
New to / Re: Lost Boys BBC Mini-Series Script?
« on: May 27, 2018, 06:16:27 PM »
I finally splurged and got the region 2 version of "The Lost Boys." 

I watched part one night before last, and part two last night, and found tears streaming down my cheeks by the end of the second part.

Thanks again, Brutus, for alerting me to the fact that the region 2 version includes optional English subtitles.  What a difference those subtitles made for me.  It was like experiencing and entirely new movie.

Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless"
New to / Re: Lost Boys BBC Mini-Series Script?
« on: April 05, 2018, 04:26:16 AM »
Hi again, Brutus,

Sad to say, the version of "The Lost Boys" that I have is the Region 1 US version, but it lacks subtitles.  To be doubly sure, I called Scarecrow Video, which has what might well be the largest movie rental collection in the U.S., and the fellow who took my call was kind enough to hunt down their copy of the Region 1 US version and test it in their DVD player while he had me on the line.  Sadly their copy doesn't have subtitles either.   :(

However, I do have an all region DVD player, and have found the Region 2 version for sale on

So all I would have to do would be to give up my daily chocolate bar for a month, and I would have enough pocket change to order the Region 2 DVD.  ::)

Thanks again taking time to help me solve this problem.  I'm in your debt.

Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless"
New to / Re: Lost Boys BBC Mini-Series Script?
« on: April 04, 2018, 02:53:15 PM »
Thanks a million, Brutus!  That link worked!

So now all I have to do is cut and paste just the dialogue from the script into a new file so I'll have a script of dialogue only.  That'll keep me busy for a bit  ;o)

In the meantime, do you know if there's a DVD, Blu-ray or even a VHS version of the series that includes English language subtitles?  In the last few years I've had to resort to turning on those annoying English subtitles in English language movies, you know, the ones that not only print the text of the dialogue at the bottom of the screen, but also include written descriptions of sound effects, music, throat clearings, sobbing, "heavy breathing," etc.?

BTW, I agree with your dismissal of  "Finding Neverland."  I borrowed it from the library and found it unwatchable.  I turned it off after fifteen minutes and never looked back.  What a disappointment.

Thanks again for the speedy solution to my query,

Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless"
New to / Lost Boys BBC Mini-Series Script?
« on: April 04, 2018, 02:41:34 AM »
I'm an old yank and am losing my hearing, so I have difficulty understanding the dialogue in movies, especially the dialogue in British and Scottish films. 

Over the last three nights I re-watched The Lost Boys mini-series, and was disappointed at how little of the dialogue I was able to understand.  It's been many years since the last time I watched it, so I was saddened at how dramatically my hearing has deteriorated in that time.  I would guess that this time around I was only able to understand about a quarter or less of the spoken dialogue.

So last night, after watching the third installment, I hunted around on the web to see if I could find the script for the series.  I found this clue in an interview with Andrew Birkin: "...the TV scripts (readable on the Barrie website)..."

I joined the Barrie website today and have been searching for the script, but so far have only turned up dead ends.  For example one post has a hyperlink that is supposed to link to the script, but instead links to a page saying
Not Found
The resource requested could not be found on this server!

The TV series is such a remarkable achievement, I hate to face the fact that I'm losing my ability to comprehend it.  If I were to have the text of the script at hand, I could read through each scene before watching it.

Do any of you know how I could obtain the text of the dialogue from the series?

Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless"

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