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Database / Re: Database link
« Last post by moonlinermusic on September 04, 2024, 03:24:42 PM »
Thank you very much!
JMBarrie / Re: Moat Brae
« Last post by Dani1923 on September 03, 2024, 09:41:35 PM »
I?m late finding this out, but this is sad news! 😢
JMBarrie / Moat Brae
« Last post by Brutus on August 08, 2024, 07:47:38 PM »
Very sad news from Dumfries... Moat Brae will be closing.
Database / Re: Database link
« Last post by Brutus on July 15, 2024, 06:43:46 AM »
The site was slightly reformatted a few years ago but here's the link. Hope this helps.
Database / Database link
« Last post by moonlinermusic on July 15, 2024, 12:53:59 AM »
Hello good people,

It's been years since I was here and I can't seem to locate the database with pictures and sound clips and such. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.

Thank you for your time.

I remember having seen a photograph taken in about 1915 of JMB, GBS, G. du Maurier and many other actors and literary people assembled on the roof of a theatre, perhaps the London Coliseum. It was possible a war charity event. Can anyone help me relocate it? I've tried the database on this website but with no success, probably because I was putting in the wrong information.

I found it on page 34 of the Database.
General topic / Re: My Poems
« Last post by Dani1923 on June 08, 2024, 12:55:33 AM »
Hi! Back again on this thread! Decided to write another poem and share! Slightly based on a scene from my North Wind Sequel Play:

Pool of Sand:
I?m drowning in a pool of sand?
I call your name?but nothing.
I call again?still nothing.
I?m suffocating.
The world is going dark.
A grip is around my arm and my body is pulled.
And I see your bright eyes and warm smile?
And I see the light.
General topic / North Wind Sequel Play Random Notes
« Last post by Dani1923 on June 07, 2024, 12:24:48 AM »
Hey everyone! Long time no write! I miss writing on this forum! I felt the need to do it now, so I decided to post a random thing that you may or may not like!
Right now I?m working on writing a sequel play to At The Back of the North Wind. A very surrealistic play set in more modern times. And today I wrote some notes down that might help me throughout my writing journey. It?s a randomly selected set of words that may or may not end up in the play.
Here they are:

North Wind:
Mist, Death, Water, Drowning, Kiss, Sex, Love, Cuddle, Sleep, Nightmare, Screaming, Crying, Children, Tomsbstones, Nudity, Lonliness, Friendship, Connection, Comfort, Cradle, Laughter, Hugging, Shadow, Demon, Fear, Angel, Guardian, Protection, Darkness, Breathing, Dreaming, Flying, Falling, Crashing, Nothingness, Waking, Brightness, Embrace, Acceptance. The End. Never ending.
JMBarrie / Re: The Lost Boys trilogy
« Last post by Dani1923 on January 25, 2024, 08:53:59 PM »
Couldn?t agree with you more about everything you just said Hannah! There?s really nothing I need to add here, you said mostly everything that I would have said (Except my post would have been as long as a college thesis as per usual! 😂)! The Lost Boys is and always will be a masterpiece!
JMBarrie / The Lost Boys trilogy
« Last post by Hannah Grippo on January 25, 2024, 06:02:43 PM »
I'm rewatching The Lost Boys. It's been quite a few years, but I'm crying once again. It's not just the remarkable turn of events. AB's words and the cast's acting...I don't know - I can just feel their pain/joy for life and through death. The magnificent dialogues cause me to write myself, but this miniseries has me not only write creatively, but read creatively. AB's script, of course, is poetic in heart as well as connections - lovely and lyrical. I also read the quiet moments. The actor's expressions are beautiful. Ian Holm's gazes are powerful (the one that really hits me is when he's looking out the window just upon Arthur's death). And the time passing. Wow. Just wow. The red hat, captain swarthy's hung on the trees, Porthos' absence, empty roots. Time changing things. When I watch young George (Barnaby Holm) look up at the sky and later Barrie notice George again, older doing the same, I am reminded of Anno Birkin's poem (which was actually read by Barnaby Holm on the audio version of Who Said the Race is Over?. It goes like this:

"I want to know permanent things.
The whole world is constantly changing
and dying and being born.
I wish I had thoughts that were
warm and were clear like the mornings.
These summer days have me in mourning dress,
touching my head to my sex to my breasts,
wishing for Westerly winds that
will bring me some fear in religion.
Let the spring of my faith now begin."

I could imagine the characters creatively reading themselves in this poem.
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