Author Topic: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.  (Read 13052 times)


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Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2016, 02:49:27 AM »
You are a very good writer PJ! Also I want to know what you think happens to Marcus after the book?

Your friend, Dani


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Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2016, 07:39:24 PM »
Hi Dani,
Yes - and I still do eat every part of an apple and yes I did use my own experience of boarding school when writing about Jack at school. It was well documented that he had an unhappy time there but no real details. I  certainly have sympathy for Jack as I hated my boarding school (I was sent there at 8 years old). The book was great fun to write and I tried my very hardest to do the best job that I could for JMB and his five (especially Nico). I too was surprised when Nico seemed to be unaware of Michael's nightmares but it was not something that I wanted to pursue or upset him with. I think Marcus and JMB would have got on very well, I became rather fond of Marcus as I wrote about him or rather I think that he insisted on being written about! I tried very hard to capture the  different personalities of the five boys and I hope that I did them justice, I certainly tried my best. The trip to the Bloody Meadow is also taken from a personal experience but it wasn't Tewkesbury but another place when I was young and with my Nan. I guess most authors put a bit of themselves and their own experiences in their books.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the book and Happy Christmas to you.


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Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2016, 08:46:37 PM »
Thank you for answering my questions PJ! And Happy Holidays to you too, and a Happy New Year!



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Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2017, 12:18:41 AM »
I just read a few beginning sections on the google books ( need to actually buy the book to read fully), and I actually really liked it. I felt like I was in the story instead of Marcus and actually meeting James barrie. Hopefully I'll buy the book and have a read :)


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Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2017, 07:08:22 PM »
Thank you and Dani so much for your very kind remarks - they  are much appreciated.
That's a really interesting question as to what happens to Marcus after the end of 'I Believe in Peter Pan' and one I must admit that I hadn't thought about.
I think that maybe his twin brother, Peter, is always with him in one way or another. My Dad was a twin and he and his brother were inseparable pretty well all through their lives. When my Dad died (natural causes in old age) his twin brother (now very elderly himself and surviving my Dad by two years) refused to ever believe that his twin was dead and literally would say 'I can see him standing there by you'.
He said that every time that we tried to tell him that my Dad had passed on (that, I promise you, is the absolute truth).
Whether Marcus ever meets JMB again I don't know, I guess not. I have the feeling that JMB, with all his magic and enchantment, came to Marcus and brought George, Jack, Peter, Michael and Nico to Marcus in the hour of Marcus' greatest need. There is no doubt that Marcus (and his family) were very much on a downward spiral before he left Bristol to come to his Aunt Mary and Stanway and JMB.
I think the mingling of Past and Present was also part of healing Marcus' great loss of his much-loved twin brother and I believe Stanway helped to heal Marcus just as it had once helped to heal JMB in his great loss(es).
Just some thoughts.


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Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2017, 04:10:51 AM »
I hope you've had a good 2017 so far! That's an incredible thing about your uncle thinking that your dad is still alive! I think loved ones who have passed are always there for us. Since I myself have suffered a couple of losses of loved ones, I hold on to this concept tightly!
Do you actually believe in ghosts?
I am starting to read I Believe in Peter Pan from beginning to end right now, and I'll tell you what I think of the whole story when I'm finished!
Your friend,