Author Topic: Official Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer!  (Read 3166 times)


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Official Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer!
« on: February 28, 2023, 05:22:40 PM »
The official trailer for the Disney+ Peter Pan remake Peter Pan and Wendy just dropped a few minutes ago.
My initial reaction is that it looks pretty good. The lighting choices don’t really do it for me, but I guess that’s a nitpick.
Obviously I really won’t have a real opinion on the whole movie until it comes out.
It comes out on April 28th.


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Re: Official Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer!
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2023, 04:01:33 PM »
Yes! I'm cautiously excited about this.


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Re: Official Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer!
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2023, 03:10:07 AM »
Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer Notes:
Here are some things I noticed by carefully looking at the trailer:
* At the beginning of the trailer, I noticed Wendy does not have the acorn around her neck. So I’m guessing the “kiss” part will not be included in this version. Also it doesn’t look like the Lost Boys shoot her down in this version either.
* The Peter and the Lost Boys hideout is not in a tree like in original story or in the animated version. It looks like a ruined building of some sort. I’m not sure how there could be a building in Neverland, but okay. Maybe they’ll explain it.
* I’m glad the mermaids will appear in the movie, though we’ll find out when the movie comes out how much screen time they’ll actually have.
* Mary Darling is seen in the trailer talking to Wendy, but I noticed George Darling only appears in the trailer in what looks like a flashback or memory scene, and I’m hoping they didn’t kill George off in this version! I don’t think any version has ever done that. Disney is famous for killing off at least one parent of the protagonist to make them more sympathetic, but of course Wendy doesn’t need that at all!
* In the trailer, Peter is riding on a horse with Tiger Lily to the Jolly Roger, so this must be the scene after he’s been saved from being poisoned, or blown up if they’re copying from the animated version and not the original story, and going to the ship to save Wendy and the Lost Boys. So it seems in this version, Tiger Lily brings Peter to the ship instead of him going on his own. Also Wendy seems to have been rescued before Peter shows up and Tinkerbell is with Wendy on the ship, so I guess Tinkerbell rescues Wendy from being tied up on the ship, then Wendy fights some of the pirates, then Peter shows up.
* There’s a ton of, maybe a bit too much, focus on Wendy in this trailer. I can’t give my opinion on how I think Peter or Hook is portrayed so far because they only say a few lines. But I’ll find out next month…
* On the ship, Wendy is wearing a string necklace with a feather on it probably given by Tiger Lily or possibly the Native American chief.

I already know the movie probably won’t be totally accurate to the source material when it comes to all of the story’s themes, but hopefully it gets at least some of them right and that the characters are relatively accurate! Personally, the accuracy of themes and characters are the main things I want done right in this movie way more than accuracy of the plot.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2023, 03:12:16 AM by Dani1923 »


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Re: Official Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer!
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2023, 05:50:03 PM »
An additional thing I want to add that I noticed after I wrote this is that how Wendy gets thrown into Neverland is because the pirates shot a cannon ball at Wendy and her brothers and Peter and she falls on to the island. So I’m guessing Tinkerbell doesn’t try to get Wendy killed in this version.


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Re: Official Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer!
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2023, 03:37:48 PM »
Disney just released the actual official trailer to Peter Pan and Wendy, the last trailer was a teaser trailer, and it actually still looks pretty good!
Love to hear other people’s thoughts!
I’m going to post another breakdown of this trailer just like I did with the teaser trailer.


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Re: Official Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer!
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2023, 09:16:37 PM »
Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer Notes 2:
* Just like in most of the film adaptations, the reason Wendy wants to go to Neverland is because she’s afraid of growing up, and according to the plot description, she’s trying to avoid going to boarding school. Glad they’re doing that instead of the “being afraid to be a woman” thing that they did in the 2003 movie! But what I’m curious about is that Mary Darling says, “You can’t stop time Wendy, whether you like it or not.” and then there’s a close-up of a watch. Obviously, this is a way of foreshadowing the clock in the crocodile’s mouth and Hook’s fear of the ticking and the crocodile eating him, but this makes me think that time might be a theme in this version? Or maybe it’s just perpetuating Wendy’s fear of growing up while also being a bit of foreshadowing. Now that I think about it, that’s probably what it is.
* It looks like Tinker Bell is helping Peter Pan kidnap Wendy by using her dust to make her fly out the window. I am glad they are still making Peter do wrong things like kidnapping, and that’s something that Barrie would approve of since Peter tries to kidnap Wendy in the play and book before she willingly agrees to fly away with him, but the fact that Tink is helping him and not being jealous probably means that she won’t be jealous or hate Wendy in this movie like all the other adaptations, which is disappointing. This is further evidenced from in the last trailer where it looks like Wendy is brought down and almost killed from a fall in Neverland from almost being hit by a cannon from the pirates, and not from Tink trying to kill her. But I’m not surprised by this since Disney has been trying to make Tinker Bell nicer since those saccharine direct-to-DVD movies about her.
* I think the way they fly to Neverland is cool in this version. They’re not flying through weird CGI looking outer space like the 2003 movie did!
* Neverland itself looks good.
* Despite the fact we haven’t seen that much of them in the trailers, I like the Lost Boys and Lost Girls so far. I know the movie Hook has it’s flaws, but the Lost Boys in that movie were fun and energetic and the Lost Children in this movie give me that vibe. I also like that they don’t look too clean, you can at least see a little bit dirt on their faces and clothes. And I like their costumes.
* Captain Hook kills a pirate! Yay! It’s hard to tell, but he uses his gun to shoot a pirate through the door and the door falls on the pirate’s corpse. If you look closely, you can see the bullet hole in the door. Jude Law’s performance as Captain Hook however, though little has also been shown of him, is not winning me over. And I don’t like his costume.
* “All your times are old Captain!” Very happy that there’s some cockiness in Peter! I’m glad there’s much more of Peter in this trailer overall!
* The first fight between Peter and Hook looks like it’s going to be in their version of Skull Rock and not Marooner’s Rock, although it is a remake of the animated film after all, so that’s not really a problem. Although whether Peter will say his iconic line “To die will be an awfully big adventure!”, which they didn’t do in the animated version but have done in other adaptations, we’ll have to wait and see.
* Not sure what that Christmas scene is about or who’s flying an airplane and for what reason in this movie, but again, we’ll see.
* It looks like in this version, Wendy will walk the plank and Tink will save her with pixie dust.
* Looks like the Native Americans are being portrayed more accurately, so that’s good!
* There’s a scene of Mary Darling, Nana, and a very young Wendy and John having a picnic in a park. Could it be Kensington Gardens? I hope so!
* Very happy this version will have the Lost Boys and Girls stay with the Darling family in the end, which they changed in the animated version with the Lost Boys staying in Neverland.
* In the teaser trailer breakdown, I said I hoped they didn’t kill off George Darling in this, and, thankfully, it doesn’t look like they have because he’s seen with the Lost Children when they are in the Darling nursery and wanting to live with the Darlings. I recognized the actor playing George, Alan Tudyk, in the scene.
* Tiger Lily is going to help fight the pirates in the final battle scene, so that’ll be cool to see!
* The final part shown in the trailer looks like the ending of the movie. Peter has taken the Darling children and the Lost Children to London and Peter is sitting on the roof of the complex where the Darlings live and Wendy goes to sit with him and you can see the Jolly Roger floating above them. Wendy is telling Peter that growing up might be the greatest adventure of all. First of all, they spoiled the ending of Wendy’s arc of her fear of growing up by putting this in the trailer. Second, Wendy seems to be about to have a similar conversation with Peter that Mary Darling has with him in the play and novel about offering him to stay with the Darlings too and grow up, but of course Peter refuses to grow up! Once again, it’s very disappointing to me personally that Mary isn’t having this conversation with Peter because it perpetuates the theme of motherhood that is present in the play and novel. Only the 1924 silent film has had the conversation with Mary and Peter take place. But no adaptation been made so far that emphasizes the themes of motherhood like the play and especially the novel do. Maybe Mary will join Wendy and Peter on the roof to join in on the conversation, but I highly doubt it.
* I will say though, about that last scene we see, from the look on Peter’s face, it looks like we’ll see the sensitive side of Peter as well as his cockiness! This makes me very happy! The animated version made Peter practically unlikable because the filmmakers for whatever reason decided to show Peter’s cruel and cocky side, but not his sensitive side at all! Other adaptations either make him too sweet (the musical!) or with the 2003 version, they showed his cruel and cocky side, but though they tried to show him being sensitive too, they executed it poorly because they make those feelings imply that Peter has romantic feelings for Wendy, which is not accurate to Peter’s character at all! Hopefully this version will have the right balance and NOT make Peter have an inkling of romantic feelings for Wendy!

Overall, I really liked this trailer, and it gives me a bit more hope that this version might be good!


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Re: Official Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer!
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2023, 12:27:52 AM »
Here are additional things I have to say about the second trailer:
* Although I like how Peter looks for the most part, like his costume (When I first saw what Peter’s costume was going to look like before the trailers came out, I didn’t like it, but now I think it looks fine. Although some people on this forum might not like his pointy elf-like looking shoes), I wish they made him look like a real wild boy. I said previously that the Lost Boys and girls looked like they had a little dirt on them, but Peter is completely clean and his hair is perfectly groomed! He should look similar to a feral child like Victor from the film The Wild Child. Even characters in other Disney remakes like Mowgli from The Jungle Book and Pete from Pete’s Dragon look like they’ve been raised in the jungle or the forest for years and they’re dirty, have scratches on their body and have wild hair. And David Lowery directed Pete’s Dragon, so I don’t know why he didn’t make Peter look similar to Pete, and Peter has lived in Neverland his entire life, probably much much longer than Mowgli or Pete lived in their respective places since Peter aged slowly after being a baby and then stopped aging when he became an older boy (at least that’s what I believe), so he could have lived in Neverland for hundreds of years! So why does he look so clean??
* I said before that I didn’t like Captain Hook’s costume, but actually I don’t like how he looks in general, and I realized some reasons why. First of all, his hair! His hair is specifically described as being “long dark curls which look like black candles at a distance”, but this version he has straight grey hair for some reason?? Almost every other screen adaptation of Peter Pan has Hook having long curly black hair, or at least just long black hair in the animated version. The exception is the 2015 Pan movie, but Hook was portrayed as a young man in that one, but this movie is the only version where Hook is portrayed as he is in the original story as the captain without having his signature black hair. Maybe they made it grey to make him seem older, but that’s not necessary, and again goes against what he’s supposed to look like according to Barrie! And this may be a personal preference, but I don’t like Hook’s hat. I realized that it looked like Napoleon’s hat, and I thought maybe that could be a reference to Peter wearing a Napoleon-like hat and standing like Napoleon in very early productions of the play? But in every other screen adaptation of Hook as captain, he wears a big pirate captain looking hat, which of course makes sense. To me, him having a much bigger hat compared to the other pirates shows his authority and he’s above everyone else on the ship because he’s the captain. Again, not sure why they changed it!
* On closer inspection, it looks like the Lost Boys and Lost Girls live in an abandoned castle, like I said before I don’t why there’s any kind of building in Neverland. It looks it was made by regular adults, not Peter or Lost Children or the fairies. Also since they live in a castle, they don’t live in a home under the ground, which is a bummer.
* Another nitpick, Peter carries around a sword, but I wish he carried a dagger like in the play and book.


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Re: Official Peter Pan and Wendy Trailer!
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2023, 02:58:51 PM »
I need to correct myself because I realized there actually have been other adaptations that made Captain Hook look different than Barrie’s description of him.
There was Syfy’s “Neverland” miniseries and there was the animated series “Fox’s Peter Pan and the Pirates”.
If there are other examples that anyone else knows, please post them below!