Author Topic: Disappointed  (Read 8735 times)


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« on: February 14, 2005, 12:50:55 AM »
I must say I am disappointed in this years Peter Pan 100th birthday celebration.  Here in the states it has been very dull. I was expecting to at least see some specials on Peter and JMB on A&E's BIOGRAPHY or on THE HISTORY CHANNEL, or even PBS. But nothing. I can't even find the new edition of Andrew's book THE LOST BOYS --and I have looked all over the eastern seaboard of the USA from Florida to New York City to Boston to New Hampshire and Vermont.
Was there more of a "celebration" over in the UK?
I wonder if the USA is waiting for Peter's 100th AMERICAN birthday come November 2005, 100 years after Maude Adams first played the role?  Somehow I doubt it.

Mary A

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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2005, 09:40:29 AM »
Don't be too much sad. In France, nobody knows Barrie... They only know Peter Pan and they don't know his father's name ! It's a shame !


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P Pan cenetnary
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2005, 02:13:03 PM »
Ziegfried, I only just saw your posting (haven't yet got my head around Dafydd's new forum!). The new edition of my book should be readily available - it's just had a 2nd printing in the USA and has sold much better than Yale were expecting, given that most of the book is 25 years old!  Amazon have it for sure, and you can always get older/cheaper editions on  
As for celebrations, there were a number of TV/radio programmes here in the UK - one of them is now on our audio page and we'll be shortly adding a half-hour TV programme I did 10 years ago as part of Channel 4's "Great Ideas of the 20th Century" series....   There's also new Peter Pan material in the database - just enter "Peter Pan"


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Re: Disappointed
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2005, 11:25:07 PM »
I agree, Peter's 100th birthday was pretty lackluster in America. I saw Finding Neverland and attended a Pan centennial celebration in Shreveport, but that was it. I had a hard time finding the 2004 edition of JMB & TLB, too, Ziegfried, until I finally bought it off Amazon. Well, it was a present, so I didn't actually buy it, but that's the only place I could find it.


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Movie tie in
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2005, 03:20:43 AM »
I am shocked that Yale Univ. Press is not trying to get that book out there to cash in on the success of FINDING NEVERLAND. There are large displays in most Bookstores that feature books with popular movie tie-ins.  This is where TLB should be prominently displayed! There really is no other book that could be tied to th movie FN and it is doing quite well here in the states. Mr. Birkin, you should call Yale's marketing department and tell them to get on the ball.
 A real missed opportunity!


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Re: Movie tie in
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2005, 03:53:51 AM »
Yes, public interest in Barrie could certainly use some hyping, if only so Americans will associate him with Peter Pan instead of Michael Jackson, but  for all the success of Finding Neverland (seven Oscar nods!), no one seems to be taking the opportunity. I've seen several TV specials about Howard Hughes due to The Aviator, but none on JMB!