Hello there!
I guess this is where i introduce myself and tell ya'll a bit about how i got started on becoming a J.M. Barrie fan.
It all started with the fantastic film "Hook" My friend and I watch this multiple times a year (can quote the entire thing.) I then noticed that near the beginning of the film, Maggie Smith (The actress who played wendy) was holding what looked to be like an original Scribner's copy of Peter and Wendy. This was a book that I thought I must have. Upon searching for this book i managed to snag a Hodder and Stoughton First Edition Fifth Impression copy in decent condition. Going through the pages was like taking a trip to neverland itself, imagining the history of writing the book, and all the imagination that went into it.
My next adventure was when i purchased a set of "Novels, Tales, and Sketches of J.M. Barrie." With apparent "printed on Japan paper and limited to one hundred and fifty copies in American and England of which this is No. 12" and an apparent J.M. Barrie signature in Vol I of the book. (which I'm hoping is real!)
Reading through the beginning of these books and hearing little tids and bits of how J.M. Barrie started the writings, brings a sense of wonder to me. What was going through his mind when writing a book? How did his mind work when writing? Will I ever be able to write as well as he once did.
It is an honour to even have these books, and call myself a fan of J.M. Barrie. I'm hoping to get to know everyone more, and perhaps gain more insight in his life and biography.
- Andrew James.