Author Topic: Who are the Lost Boys (and Girls)?  (Read 1526 times)


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Who are the Lost Boys (and Girls)?
« on: August 06, 2021, 05:47:25 PM »
In the Peter Pan play and novel they say that the Lost Boys “are the children who fall out of their perambulators when the nurse is looking the other way.”
But I’ve come up with my own theory about how Lost Children could exist.
One is a bit obvious and they could be dead children. But they can also be orphaned and unwanted children that stay in orphanages, foster homes, or abusive or neglected homes. They can be children who feel “lost” in the world and society in general.
But I’d also like to think that there can be Lost Boys and Girls that are adults too. I guess I say that partially because I am an adult. But adults can feel as lost in the world as children do, possibly even more so. They can feel so different from society that they are in their own little world, and they look at the world through a window like Peter at the end of Peter and Wendy, “…he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be for ever barred.” That joy can be the love and acceptance of people in the world. That is how I feel a lot. That’s why I consider myself a Lost Girl.
And of course “Lost Adults” can also be people who feel so lost and cut off from the world that they commit suicide.
So those are my thoughts.