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Messages - paddythewriter

Pages: [1] 2
Davies Family / Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« on: January 10, 2017, 07:08:22 PM »
Thank you and Dani so much for your very kind remarks - they  are much appreciated.
That's a really interesting question as to what happens to Marcus after the end of 'I Believe in Peter Pan' and one I must admit that I hadn't thought about.
I think that maybe his twin brother, Peter, is always with him in one way or another. My Dad was a twin and he and his brother were inseparable pretty well all through their lives. When my Dad died (natural causes in old age) his twin brother (now very elderly himself and surviving my Dad by two years) refused to ever believe that his twin was dead and literally would say 'I can see him standing there by you'.
He said that every time that we tried to tell him that my Dad had passed on (that, I promise you, is the absolute truth).
Whether Marcus ever meets JMB again I don't know, I guess not. I have the feeling that JMB, with all his magic and enchantment, came to Marcus and brought George, Jack, Peter, Michael and Nico to Marcus in the hour of Marcus' greatest need. There is no doubt that Marcus (and his family) were very much on a downward spiral before he left Bristol to come to his Aunt Mary and Stanway and JMB.
I think the mingling of Past and Present was also part of healing Marcus' great loss of his much-loved twin brother and I believe Stanway helped to heal Marcus just as it had once helped to heal JMB in his great loss(es).
Just some thoughts.
Davies Family / Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« on: December 26, 2016, 07:39:24 PM »
Hi Dani,
Yes - and I still do eat every part of an apple and yes I did use my own experience of boarding school when writing about Jack at school. It was well documented that he had an unhappy time there but no real details. I  certainly have sympathy for Jack as I hated my boarding school (I was sent there at 8 years old). The book was great fun to write and I tried my very hardest to do the best job that I could for JMB and his five (especially Nico). I too was surprised when Nico seemed to be unaware of Michael's nightmares but it was not something that I wanted to pursue or upset him with. I think Marcus and JMB would have got on very well, I became rather fond of Marcus as I wrote about him or rather I think that he insisted on being written about! I tried very hard to capture the  different personalities of the five boys and I hope that I did them justice, I certainly tried my best. The trip to the Bloody Meadow is also taken from a personal experience but it wasn't Tewkesbury but another place when I was young and with my Nan. I guess most authors put a bit of themselves and their own experiences in their books.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the book and Happy Christmas to you.
JMBarrie / Re: JM Barrie's Querist Album/ My Confession Book
« on: August 11, 2016, 09:03:24 AM »
My Confession Book:
1. The best place to hang a bunch of mistletoe?
Over my grave
2. Your favorite motto?  Haven't really got one
3 Your greatest ambition? Not to live for ever
6. Your opinion of motor cars in general?  Love them and hate them
7. Do you believe in spiritualism?  I think so
8. Your idea of spending Christmas Day?  With family and friends. (absolutely)
10. Your favorite picture?  I've literally hundreds of favourites
11. The most suitable place for flirtation? Anywhere your parents aren't.
12. Favouite play - Romeo and Juliet, also MacBeth
13. Your favorite song?  House of the Rising Sun
14. Your favorite musician?  Don Maclean
15. Your favorite favorite magazine?  Horse and Hound
16. The most unselfish thing you could do?  Stop sneezing
Autograph: William Shakespeare

That's about it, I've done my best and it was great fun
JMBarrie / Re: JM Barrie's Querist Album/ My Confession Book
« on: August 11, 2016, 08:55:21 AM »
JM Barrie's Querist Album/ My Confession Book
1. Your most esteemed virtue?  Kindness
2. Your highest characteristic in a man? Kindness
3. Your highest characteristic in a woman?  Kindness (again!!!)
4. Your happiest employment?  Horse riding
5. Your greatest misery?  Death of people I care about. (same as Dani)
6. Your pet flower and color?  Daisies and blue
7. Your favorite novelist?  JM Barrie, Susan Cooper, Mary Stewart
8. Your most admired poet?  Shakespeare
9.Your favorite opera and artist? Never been to an opera it all seems to be a bit 'screamy' Sir Frederick Lord Leighton
10. Your favorite historical hero?  Thomas Marshall
11. Your favorite historical heroine? Joan of Arc
12. Your favorite hero in fiction?  Peter Pan, Merlin
13. Your favorite heroine in fiction?
Don't really have one
14. Your luxurious ambrosia and nectar?  Guinness and lemon cake
15. Your most loveable name?
Kate- Girl
Ben- Boy
16. Your pet antipathy?
Don't know what antipathy means (sorry!)
17. What peculiarity can you most tolerate?  Big ears
18. Your favorite amusement?  Writing,
19. At what age should a man marry?  Whenever he likes. (agreed)
20. At what age should a woman marry?  Whenever she likes.(also agreed)
21. Do you believe in love at first sight?  Yes!
22. Do you believe in marrying for love and working for money?  Yes and no
23. Were you ever in love? And if so, how often? Far too often!!!
24. Your favorite proverb? Do not murder (more of a commandment but pretty important)
Davies Family / Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« on: August 09, 2016, 08:39:06 AM »
Hi Dani,
No - I never asked him about the book and TV series but he always spoke most highly about Andrew Birkin so I'm sure that he was very pleased with both of them. He did tell me that he thought that Andrew Birkin knew more about the Llewelyn Davies family than he did.
I did have a look at your other post, I have friends over from the UK at the moment but I'll have a go at it when they go home in a few weeks time.
Kind Regards
JMBarrie / Re: Potted Pantomime by JMB
« on: August 03, 2016, 08:25:26 AM »
Thanks for the help, much appreciated.
Kind Regards
JMBarrie / Potted Pantomime by JMB
« on: August 02, 2016, 06:29:07 PM »
I have a copy of a panto that JMB wrote for the children at Stanway House that I thought might interest this forum (it is only 4 pages long but is full of notes and annotations) also a couple of photographs. My brain appears to have eloped, either permanently or temporarily, elsewhere (I shall chastise it severely when it returns!) and I can't seem to work out how to attach the attachments. If someone would kindly explain to me re- attaching attachments I shall be forever in their inestimable (if there is such a word which I doubt) debt.
Davies Family / Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« on: July 24, 2016, 09:02:20 AM »
Hi Dani,
I do still have the letters that Nico was kind enough to write to me but they are quite personal, perhaps I might put them up one day but not just now.
I started researching 'I Believe in Peter Pan' way back in the 1980's and kept coming back to it as the years rolled by. I have an awful lot of notes etc from those times but many of them are 'people specific' and it feels wrong to publish them even though most, if not all of them, have passed.
I do have a copy of an unpublished 'Potted Pantomime' that JMB wrote for the children of Stanway. It is full of JMB's hand written production notes and I think this would be of interest to the members here. There might also be one or two photos that I can put up here so I will have a look through them.
With Kind Regards
Davies Family / Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« on: July 21, 2016, 05:19:30 PM »
Dear Dani,
Once again thank you so much and please call me PJ.
I agree people should know the real JMB and this was one of the reasons that I wrote 'I Believe in Peter Pan'. If you have read my 'Author's Notes' you will know that back in the 1980's I did speak with a number of 'upper aged' men who had been gardener's boys etc at the time that JMB visited Stanway. Without exception all of these 'elderly boys' spoke of what fun and a great character JMB was. They painted a very different picture of JMB to the brooding dour man that he is so often portrayed as.
Kind Regards
Davies Family / Re: My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« on: July 18, 2016, 06:09:08 PM »
Thank you so much for your very kind words, they are so much appreciated.
The full book, in Paperback and Kindle editions, is available at
Both editions are available on all Amazon sites throughout the world.
'I Believe in Peter Pan' was an incredibly rewarding book to write and I also felt that I was repaying Nico for his patience and kindness to me all those years ago.
Jack was the hardest one of the brothers to write about, in the end I had to rely on my own experiences at boarding school to try to come close to him. Even to this day I always eat every part of an apple (even the core) and you'll need to read the book to understand why!!!
I wish I could have met JMB.
With Kind Regards
Davies Family / My book 'I Believe in Peter Pan'.
« on: July 14, 2016, 08:31:19 AM »
I thought that I would mention that my book, 'I Believe in Peter Pan' is now available in Kindle and Paperback on all Amazon sites. It is a fantasy about the Llewellyn Davies brothers and JMB and is set at Stanway House. Half of the royalties are donated to GOSH and the 'Meningitis Now' charity.
I have published some extracts from Nico's letters to me and also two photographs that GOSH very kindly sent to me. One of the letters is particularly interesting as Nico is writing about Michael's death only a few months before his own death.
I have listed the web address of this site at the back of the book.
With Best Regards
PJ Cormack
Davies Family / Re: Did Michael ever visit Stanway House?
« on: May 06, 2016, 05:02:47 PM »
Thank you, I think I read somewhere that JMB did visit Stanway before 1921 but there was no mention of Michael or any of the brothers being with him at that time.
Thanks for your help.
Davies Family / Did Michael ever visit Stanway House?
« on: May 05, 2016, 06:58:04 PM »
I know it's extremely unlikely but I wondered whether Michael ever visited Stanway House - or am I correct in thinking that JMB only went there after Michael's sad death?
Davies Family / Re: Photographs and some thoughts
« on: April 22, 2016, 01:53:12 PM »
Thank you for such a great reply that's made it all so much more understandable. I had forgotten about all the house etc restrictions of Private Schools (even though I went to one myself - not Eton though!!!) and I guess it would have been even more rigid in those days. :)
Peter Pan / Re: An hour of Herod at Peter Pan premier
« on: April 14, 2016, 02:44:44 PM »
I've managed to find it. :)
It's on page 117 of Andrew's book and it was Anthony Hope who said it.
Just thought someone else might be interested.
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